Generating Cheap Video Impressions With "Skippable In Stream Ads"
Chapter 7:
Generating Cheap Video Impressions With Skippable InStream Ads
Hello there friends! In online marketing, sometimes all you need is some
exposure. There are viewers that will skip your video ads because they’re not
familiar with your brand or business, but all it takes to get them to pay attention
is to show them your video until they stop and watch to see what it is all about.
Today we are going to teach you the easiest and cheapest way to generate lots
Getting Started
Start on your Google Ads account. Click on the “campaigns” tab. Now click on
Now select “brand awareness and reach” as your campaign goal. This option will
provide you with campaign settings that are optimized to reach a broader
audience and build awareness about your brand, without spending too much.
Now select “video” as the campaign type. Select “skippable in-stream” as the
campaign subtype and then click on “continue”.
Creating The Campaign
Now it is time to create your new video ad campaign. Start by entering the name
of the campaign in the “campaign name” field.
Now move to the “budget” section and select your budget “type”. We
recommend you to select “daily” and to start on a budget of $5 to $10. You will
split your average daily budget in equal fractions to make the most of it. We’ll
discuss this in a moment, once we reach the “bidding” section.
Now select your “start and end dates”. Because the “bidding strategy” and
“networks” can’t be changed under this campaign subtype, you can skip both
Next up you can scroll down and enter the name of the ad group for this
campaign in the “ad group name” field.
Now it is time to define your audience and narrow your reach. It is crucial that
you target the right audience data and the right keywords to get the most out of
your ad spend.
First, move to the “people” section to define your audience. Click on the
“demographics” menu to define your demographic targeting.
Now click on the “audiences” menu to define the attributes of the audience that
will see your ads. Simply click on the “browse” tab, and browse attributes such
as interests and custom intents from the available menus.
Now move to the “content” section to narrow your reach. Click on the
“keywords” menu, and enter your target keywords and search terms in the
keywords column, each one separated by a line. Your video ads will be triggered
Now click on the “topics” menu to select a topic from the display menu. Your
ads will be triggered on videos and content that cover your selected topics.
Now click on the “placements” menu. Here you can select specific placements
to show your ads. For example, if you want to show your video ads on specific
YouTube videos, you’ll simply have to type one of your target keywords in the
search bar, and then click on “YouTube” videos. You can now select on which
videos you are going to show your ads.
Now move to the “bidding” section. Here you are going to enter the maximum
amount that you are willing to pay per thousand impressions. Here we
recommend you to enter 10% of your daily budget. For example, if your daily
budget is $5, then your “target CPM” here is $0.50.
Creating The Ad
Now it is time to create the ad. Paste the URL of the YouTube video that you
want to use to promote your brand or business in the “search for a video” field.
By default, the video ad format for this campaign is “in-stream” and can’t be
changed. These video ad format allows you to show your video to viewers for a
Now enter your business website URL in the “final URL” field. Now click on the
“display URL” field to generate a display URL to show on your ad.
You can optionally check the “call-to-action” box to add a CTA button to your
video ad. For this example we’ll simply skip creating a CTA button.Now select to “autogenerate” companion banner, or to “upload an image” for
your companion banner. Now enter a name for your video ad in the “ad name”
Now click on “save and continue”. Review your campaign settings on the
following page and click on “continue to campaign”. Awesome! With this
campaign you’ll be able to generate up to 10,000 qualified video impressions on
the cheap!
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