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Reaching Mobile Users With Optimized stream Video Ad......

 Chapter 9:

 Reaching More MobileUsers With An Optimized OutstreamVideo Ad

Hello there everyone! You don’t have to be a marketing expert to know that
mobile use is on the rise. More than 60% of video views are from mobile devices,
and not all are on YouTube.
That’s why today we are going to show you how you can easily create video ad
campaigns that will help you to reach a broad mobile audience outside of
YouTube, step by step.
Reaching More MobileUsers With An Optimized OutstreamVideo Ad

Getting Started

Start on the Google Ads dashboard. Click on the “campaigns” tab and then on
the “plus” button. Now click on “new campaign”.
On the following page, select “brand awareness and reach” as your campaign
goal. This is the only type of campaign goal that allows you to create video ads
optimized to reach mobile users in the Display Network.

Now select “video” as the campaign type, then select “outstream” as the
campaign subtype. “Outstream” campaigns help you reach more people directly
on their phones and tablets with outstream ads that are optimized with
viewable cost-per-mile bids. Click on “continue” after selecting the campaign
subtype to start creating the campaign.
Reaching More MobileUsers With An Optimized OutstreamVideo Ad

Creating The Campaign

Now it is time to create your new outstream campaign. Start by entering the
name of the campaign in the “campaign name” field.Now move to the “budget” section. Select your budget “type” and then enter
the average you want to spend below. Now select your “start and end dates”.
By default, “viewable cost-per-mile” or “vCPM” is selected as the bidding
strategy and it can’t be changed. Viewable cost-per-mile bids allow you to pay
per each thousand times when your video ad is shown in a viewable position on
mobile devices. This bidding strategy maximizes your chances of generating
thousands of qualified views without having to pay for each unique view.
One thing that you’ll notice is that you can select your target “networks”. This is
because outstream ads are designed to reach mobile users on partner video
networks in the display network. So you can simply skip “networks” and select
your target “languages” as well as your target “locations”.
Reaching More MobileUsers With An Optimized OutstreamVideo Ad

Now scroll down and enter the name of the ad group for this campaign in the
“ad group name” field.
Now it is time to define your audience and narrow your reach.
First, click on the “demographics” menu in the “people” section to define your
demographic targeting. Now click on the “audiences” menu to define the
audience that will see your ads.
Now move to the “content” section to narrow your reach. Click on the
“keywords” menu, and enter your target keywords and search terms in the
keywords column, each one separated by a line.
Now click on the “topics” menu to select the topic from the display menu.
Reaching More MobileUsers With An Optimized OutstreamVideo Ad

Now click on the “placements” menu if you want to select specific placements
where you want to show your outstream ads. Please note that you can only 
select websites and apps as placements when you create outstream ad
Lastly, on the “bidding” section you have to enter your maximum viewable cost￾per-mile bid. This is the maximum amount that you are willing to pay for each
thousand times that your video ad is shown on viewable placements. We
recommend you to test maximum bids between $0.25 and $0.50 to get started.

Creating The Ad

Now it is time to create the ad. Paste the URL of the YouTube video that you
want to advertise on mobile in the “search for a video” field. By default, the
video ad format for this campaign is “outstream” and can’t be changed.
Now it is time to customize the ad creative. First, select a thumbnail. Now enter
a “headline”. Here we recommend you to enter the name of your business or
the name of your product.Now enter a brief “description” that relates to your headline. If you entered the
name of your business above, then describe what your business offers. Now
enter a call-to-action text for the “call-to-action” button in the ad.
Now click on the “choose file” button and upload the logo of your brand or
business. Now enter your business website URL in the “final URL” field. Now
enter a name for your video ad in the “ad name” field.
Reaching More MobileUsers With An Optimized OutstreamVideo Ad

You can check the preview window on the right to see how your ad will look on
outstream placements.
Now click on “save and continue” and review your campaign settings on the
following page. Click on “continue to campaign” to send it for approval. And
that is it! Now you can start generating qualified views outside of YouTube, even
on the go!

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