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Creating A YouTube Video Ad Sequence Campaign Freelancer Work...

 Chapter 11: 

Creating A Video Ad Sequence Campaign

Hello there everyone! One of the best ways to get your marketing message

across is by doubling exposure to your brand with an ad sequence.

Creating A YouTube Video Ad Sequence Campaign Freelancer Work...

Today we are going to show you how to increase exposure to your ads with a

video sequence campaign on YouTube.

Getting Started

Start on your Google Ads dashboard. Click on the “campaigns” tab, and then

click on the “plus” button. Now click on the “new campaign” option.

There are two campaign goals that allow you to create ad sequence campaigns:

“product and brand consideration” and “brand awareness and reach”.

Creating A YouTube Video Ad Sequence Campaign Freelancer Work...
You can also create ad sequence campaigns when you select to “create a

campaign without a goal’s guidance”. For this lesson let’s select “create a

campaign without a goal’s guidance” to create the campaign.

Select “video” as your campaign type after selecting your campaign goal. Now

select “ad sequence” as your campaign subtype. Ad sequence campaigns allow

you to serve two or more video ads, in different ad formats, in a specific

sequence, which can help you to better tell your brand’s story, or showcase a

product line. You can click on “continue” to start creating the campaign.

Creating The Campaign 

Now it is time to create the ad sequence campaign. Start by entering a name for

your new campaign in the “campaign name” field.

Now select your “budget type” and enter your average daily or total spend in

the field below. Now select your “start and end dates”. 

Creating A YouTube Video Ad Sequence Campaign Freelancer Work...

When you create ad sequence campaigns, the bidding strategies available on the

“bidding strategy” section are “target CPM” and “maximum cost-per-view”.

Here we recommend you to select “target CPM” so you can test the response of

your audience. You can then examine the audience that best responds to your

ad sequences and switch to “maximum cost-per-view” to pay only for every

qualified view your ad sequence gets.

By default, the only network where you can show ad sequence campaigns is on

YouTube, so you can skip the “networks” menu, and simply select your target

“languages” and your target “locations”.

Now it is time to define your audience targeting in the “people” section. Click on

the “demographics” menu and select your demographic targeting. Now click on

the “audiences” menu and define the attributes of the audience that will see

your ads. We recommend you to select audience attributes using the “browse”


Creating The Ad Sequence

Now it is time to create the video ad sequence. Video ad sequences are created

by steps. This means that you create one video ad to add to the sequence first,

then you create another video ad and add it to the sequence, until you finish

your sequence.

In this lesson we are going to create an ad sequence with two videos. To add

your first video to the ad sequence, click on “add sequence step”.

You can create each video ad in a new window, and you have to start by

entering the name of the ad group where you’ll save this video ad in the “ad

group name” field.Now you have to enter your bid. In this case, because we selected “target CPM”

as our bidding strategy, we have to enter a “target CPM bid”.

Now it is time to create the ad creative. Paste the URL of the first video that

you’ll add to the ad sequence in the “search for a video” field.

The ad formats available when you create ad sequence campaigns will depend

on the length of each YouTube video that you add to the sequence. As you can

see, because our first video is 25 seconds long, the ad formats available are “in￾stream ad” and “non-skippable in-stream ad”. For this example we are going to

select “in-stream ad”.

Creating A YouTube Video Ad Sequence Campaign Freelancer Work...

If you select “in-stream ad” as the ad format, proceed by entering your website

URL in the “Final URL” field, and then click on the “display URL” field to

generate a display URL for the ad.

You can check the “call-to-action” option to add a call-to-action to your video ad.

Select “autogenerate” companion banner and enter a name for this video ad in

the “ad name” field. Now click on “add to sequence”.

Awesome! To add another video to the ad sequence you’ll simply have to click

on “add sequence step”. Now proceed just like you did when you added the first

video to the sequence. Enter a name for the ad group in the “ad group name”

field. Now enter your target bid in the “bidding” field.

Now paste the URL of the second YouTube video that you’ll add to the sequence

in the search for a video” field.

As you can see here, we can select “bumper ad” and “non-skippable in-stream

ad” as ad formats because we inserted a video that is 7 seconds long. For this

example we’ll select “bumper ad” as the ad format.

Creating A YouTube Video Ad Sequence Campaign Freelancer Work...

The info that you entered to the first video ad, including your “final URL”, will be

added by default to this ad, but you can change it if needed. Now enter a name

for the ad in the “ad name” field and then click on “add to sequence”.

You can keep adding videos to the ad sequence simply by clicking on “add

sequence step”. When you are done adding your videos to the sequence, click

on “save and continue”. Review your campaign settings on the following page

and then click on “continue to campaign”.

And that is it! You can now start creating YouTube ad campaigns that will hook

viewers with more than one video!

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