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Top 5 Freelancer work for YouTube Branding Mastery

  YouTube Branding Mastery 

We’ve discussed the importance of choosing a theme for your

channel but now it’s time to connect that theme to your brand.

YouTube Branding Mastery  Freelancer work

Branded videos always outperform unbranded videos and there’s

good reason for it: People begin to recognize your content just

because your brand is prominent and memorable. They’ll share

your content with others (if it’s entertaining), and in turn, your

brand will gain even more exposure.

This includes creating stand-out channel artwork. Consider hiring

a professional designer to create a logo, banner and thumbnail

templates that you can repurpose.

You’ll find qualified designers on websites like and

What you’re looking to do is highlight your brand in every way possible. You should choose one main color scheme or design

style and stick to it. Always look for ways to include your logo or

another brand-identifying element into your videos and other

content. The more often people see it, the faster they’ll begin to

recognize it.

If you have a great tagline, you should include that on your

artwork. If you produce a lot of videos (a new video every week,

or every other day, for example), then include that in your

channel banner so that people know what to expect.

YouTube Branding Mastery Freelancer work

Remember that YouTube can be viewed on many devices, from a

smart phone to a television. On a larger television screen, the

channel art will appear in the background, behind your content.

On a desktop or mobile device, the channel artwork appears as a

banner across the top of the content.

You can also create your channel artwork from scratch if you’re

on a tight budget using a free image creator like Canva. This free tool includes ready-to-go YouTube templates that you can quickly

and easily customize for your channel.


Important Note: As you design your channel artwork, keep in

mind that “safe area” in the center of the template. That’s the

area that will be displayed on nearly every device. You want to

keep your text and graphics within that area.

Make sure any important information like your website URL,

YouTube Branding Mastery Freelancer work

taglines, and images are inside of this space so they’ll show up on

the device and not be cut off or covered up.

Another thing to think about is your linking text. YouTube lets you

display links to your channel – they show up in the bottom right

corner, on top of your channel artwork. Make sure you don’t have

text, logos, or important images in that area of your artwork. Pro Tip: You could also create a hat, mug or t-shirt with your

channel logo and include it in every video. The more you can

highlight your brand throughout your content, the better.

Then later, as your channel grows in popularity, you’ll be able to

sell these items to your subscribers who want to support your


It’s easy to create a custom merch at places like: 

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