The General Rule
Here's a general rule to go by. It doesn't apply in
all cases, but in most. The better your product is,
and the more the affiliate earns over time, or the
higher the commission for the single sale product,
the more affiliates you will attract, the more
money you'll make. This should give you a good
insight into what to do with your levels,
reoccurring level, and overall percentage.
If in doubt, pull out that calculator and start
working out how much you and your affiliates will
earn with a select number of sales over a period of
time in a theoretical situation. There's nothing
wrong with doing this to get an idea of the kind of
figures you're likely to be seeing, but I'll be
honest with you, nothing beats testing, not to
mention playing with numbers is a heck of a good
A Brief Glance at Innovations One more thing we need to look at when we are
dealing with what kind of percentages to give your
affiliates and what levels to set these at. There
are some innovative ideas floating around out there
about getting the most out your affiliates with
regards to commissions. Look at quick start bonuses
for example. How about offering 100% commissions
for the first month, and then a smaller percentage
ongoing afterwards? Quick start bonuses seem to be
growing ever popular in the race to have affiliates
promoting your product. It's worth thinking about
what other types of ways, bonuses, and loyalty
schemes for long term affiliates you can bring to
life, too. You just might come up with the next big
thing. If you're unsure though, it's best just to
go with tried and tested methods we‟re talking
about here.
Ok now we're done with setting up the affiliate
program itself, and you know how to go about
levels, reoccurring systems and percentages
depending on your situation, it's time to look at
those all important methods of actually getting these affiliates that have signed up to promote for
you effectively. Not just once, but over and over
again, because lets face it; An army of loyal
affiliates means you can keep churning out quality
products, and you've got people there ready to
promote for you, and that's before you've sent ads
to your list, anyone else‟s or gone in search of
joint ventures for the project. Powerful stuff.
We‟ll do this after a quick summary of what we‟ve
just talked about so it‟s easier to commit to
memory. Skip the summary if you don‟t need a
refresher or believe all the information has
sufficiently sunk in up to this point.
Affiliate Program Management
● What you won't find here is technical
information. What you will find is solid marketing
information that's going to make sure that you get
the best out of your affiliates, and to demonstrate
why this should be one of your highest priorities.
● Let‟s talk first about affiliate programs and how
important they are, and what they'll do for your
business. Also how they have a correlation, or even
a direct connection to another marketing methods
that we'll talk about in a moment.
● So, why do affiliate programs make success much
easier to come by? Well, to put it as bluntly as I
can, can you imagine trying to sell a thousand
units of your product on your own? That'd be pretty
harsh on your pocket, and your time in most cases.● Now, imagine you had a hundred people standing
beside you with the same or greater promotion power
than you. Can you imagine selling a thousand units
of your product now you have a hundred helpers?
You've immediately multiplied your promotion power
by one hundred times.
● Let me put a scene to you using real monetary
terms. You‟ve just launched a brand new product,
which happens to be pretty similar to someone you
know, Mr. X. You both launch at the same time, but
the difference is you've taken affiliate marketing
seriously and have 150 affiliates in your system
already, where he has none.
● Both of your products are priced at $500, and you
both each manage to sell ten products, totally on
your own, for a profit of $5000 each. You're about
even so far, until your affiliates come in. Of
course not all your affiliates are going to be
heavy hitters or even promote anything, but lets
say for this example, just a measly 10% of them make three sales each in that same month at 60%
● Pulling out my handy calculator, I can tell you
that those small number of sales have just made you
an additional $9000 and $13500 for your
affiliates, bringing your total profit for the
month to $14000.
● While you and your affiliates are laughing all
the way to the bank, Mr. X is devastated because he
didn't put an affiliate system into action and pull
in the type of money and success that you have.
● Now, you can see the importance of such systems.
Don't let anyone ever tell you that you're wasting
your time setting this up, or attracting
affiliates. You'll likely hear things like 'I tried
it but hardly any affiliates promoted for me'. You
can see how few it takes to really make your
earnings something special.● It's true that the rates of promotion can vary,
depending on your business, and the quality and
experience of the affiliates. Some will forget they
signed up. Some will sign up and then get
distracted, and some just haven't built up the
resources to point that they can readily make many
sales. We'll address this in a moment.
● Looking at this type of sales figure always gets
me excited. Have you ever seen people making 40,
50, 60 even a hundred thousand dollars plus per
month, and wondered how they pull in this amount?
Well, let me tell you, affiliates are a big part of
it in most cases. Don't miss out, or you might
find yourself just getting by instead of extremely
comfortable where income is concerned.
● The second reason that you may be told affiliate
promotion isn't worth it is the notion that
affiliates are hard to find. This goes in the same box as list building. It's not hard to do if you
know how.
● We're going to jump ahead now, and start to build
up a picture of the ideal affiliate program, with a
view to getting your affiliates promoting. The rest
of this report contains some fundamentals, so keep
reading even if you don't have a system set up yet
because it will provide a solid knowledge base and
assist you in understanding what your software
needs to be capable of.
● First and foremost, a big aspect in getting
affiliates in the first place and getting them to
promote for you is the front line, the commission
per sale that you're offering them. Think high.
● I want you to put it out of your mind that giving
affiliates more per sale than you make yourself is
a bad thing and you're losing money, because you're
definitely not. ● Lets look at some examples to show you that high
commissions on paper looks like less profit for
you, but in practice actually means more profit for
you. A short term single sale and a long term
recurring membership commission example.
● Lets start with the membership site. Let‟s
imagine that you're running a membership site with
a price tag of $15 per month. Within a single
month, if you managed to refer 200 members on your
own, that's $3000 per month. Not bad, a handy
little earner. The problem comes when you start
talking 60% commissions for affiliates. That leaves
you with $6 per month profit per sale. Doesn't
sound a lot does it?
● That looks like a massive cut in profits, but
lets say again that you have 150 affiliates, and
this time, due to the lower price, and it being
slightly easier to get people to part with their
cash compared to a $500 product, 15 of your
affiliates refer 15 members each that just happen
to stay with you for a year. That's a miniscule $300 extra per week. Now some might see that as not
worth it, but let‟s add that up, $16,200 per year.
It looks a better now. I could buy myself a juicy
64" plasma screen or 6 brand new top of the range
computers. What would you spend an extra $16k on?
Not a bad little earner for something that
originally took your profit per sale down to a
measly $6, especially when you take these very
modest figures and spread them over several
● I think this is where the whole affiliate program
is a bad thing and cut profits state of mind comes
in, but that‟s not the case. A sale by an affiliate
earning 60% doesn't cut your profits by 60%,
instead it's a gain of 40% on a sale you may not
have made in the first place. This is my personal
reasoning for not being worried about setting
higher than average commissions (60% and upwards).
The potential for this is huge.
● The one thing that I do want to show you right
away, before we start talking about response rates and the like, is that building affiliates is not an
overnight thing. It's like list building, the more
products you launch, and promote, the more Jv‟s
will come your way, and in turn the more people
will join your list and your affiliate program.
Don't fret though, just because it won't happen
overnight, you'll see later, that it can take just
a few weeks.
● Let‟s look at some of the nuances an specifics of
actually running your affiliate program now,
beginning with the forefront of your affiliate
system, your commissions.
● Your first option when setting up your system,
will likely be how much do I grant in commissions
and on how many levels? The answer in itself really
isn't all as complex as it might seem.
● The first thing you need to do is look at things
from an affiliate‟s point of view. We've been
spoiled lately with commissions as high as 80/90 even a hundred percent for single month in quick
start bonuses.
● Taking this into account, your commissions on the
first level should be at the absolute bare minimum
40%. Anything less and you won't attract the
numbers or the quality in your affiliates. You
should think of 50-55%% as an average nowadays with
anything above that, above average.
● Next up, level two. The all important second
level, an important aspect from your affiliates
point of view, due to this providing them with a
reoccurring passive income, where the people they
refer, refer others, and they earn on this.
● I know people who won't even promote affiliate
programs unless they have a second level up there
(very important to keep this in mind), so a second
level commissions is a must. Use your discretion,
and remember whilst you're selecting your levels
and commissions to look at things as if you were promoting your stuff as an affiliate. If it doesn't
look like an attractive deal to you, it probably
won't to anyone else either, and you need to
improve that before launching.
● There can, however, be times when 40% commissions
and a second level commission may not be viable for
tangible products for example, or if you have high
per product production costs.
● Still, in this case, go ahead and create yourself
an affiliate program, whether it's five, ten or
even twenty percent. It may not get you as much
interest and your affiliates might not come in as
thick and as fast, but you're still making
additional sales, albeit at a slower pace.
● The next thing we need to look at when setting
affiliate commissions is your product price and
your product structure. There are four situations
and product types that really pull in the
performing affiliates. These four conditions are: one, where you have a high ticket item, two when
you've set higher than average commissions and
three, when the commissions are reoccurring over
time, whether it's a direct reoccurrence of a
monthly membership site, or an indirect
reoccurrence of a second level, four providing a
passive income for the affiliates promoting.
● I've had people ask me why they're having trouble
attracting affiliates that actually promote
something for them, and more often than not, their
product is a $10 one off sale with no follow-up
product. $5 one off commissions isn't going to
attract anyone. Would you promote this product when
you have a choice of using your hard earned
resources and promoting for 60, 70 even eighty
percent commissions, either reoccurring or on
products from $60 up to $1500?
● So before you actually decide to shell out on
some sort of affiliate system, make sure that you
don't price yourself too high, offer commissions
that are too low, non re-occurring or don't have a second level. Put yourself in the affiliates’
● Just to give you an example of the kind of offers
you're going to start to receive when word gets
out, the very first offer I received was from
someone promoting a $57 product that offered me $2
per sale. When I told him I don't even consider
promoting for anything less than 40% he was shocked
that he'd have to give so much away as he put it.
● So, what do you reckon he could have done to
entice me further? How about bringing the
commissions up to an even 60% for a start? It was a
JV after all, so I'd expect higher than average
commissions. I may have even been tempted to accept
50%. Hey, it's a quick burst of cash. It was
possible I may have said yes. So how else could he
have enticed me? How about some commissions over
two levels? That would have meant my one off
promotion, while not reoccurring isn't quite so one
off anymore. If he wanted to entice me further, he
could have dropped the commissions to maybe 45-50% and offered a monthly recurring commission. Taking
things a step further, what if the product he had
been selling for $57 was a low ticket item that fed
through to a high priced one off sale for $500-
$2000 per sale at 50% commissions? I definitely
would have gone ahead then if the product was
● So, you see, your product doesn't have to be the
most expensive or have the highest commissions. It
doesn't even have to be reoccurring, but you must
make it worth while from the affiliate‟s point of
● Here's a general rule to go by. It doesn't apply
in all cases, but in most. The better your product
is, and the more the affiliate earns over time, or
the higher the commission for the single sale
product, the more affiliates you will attract, the
more money you'll make.● This should give you a good insight into what to
do with your levels, reoccurring level, and overall
percentage. If in doubt, pull out that calculator
and start working out how much you and your
affiliates will earn with a select number of sales,
over a period of time in a theoretical situation.
There's nothing wrong with doing this to get an
idea of the kind of figures you're likely to be
seeing, but I'll be honest with you, nothing beats
● Now, one more thing to look at when we‟re dealing
with what kind of percentage to give your
affiliates and what levels to set these at. There
are some innovative ideas floating around out there
about getting the most out your affiliates with
regards to commissions. Look at quick start bonuses
for example. How about offering 100% commissions
for the first month, and then a smaller percentage
ongoing afterwards? Quick start bonuses seem to be
growing ever popular in the race to have affiliates
promoting your product. It's worth thinking about
what other ways, bonuses, and loyalty schemes for
long term affiliates, too. You just might come up with the next big thing. If you're unsure though,
it's best just to go with tried and tested methods
being discussed here.
● Ok now we're done with setting up the affiliate
program itself, and you know how to go about
levels, reoccurring systems and percentages
depending on your situation. It's time to look at
those all important methods of actually getting
these affiliates that have signed up to promote for
you effectively. Not just once, but over and over
again. An army of loyal affiliates making both them
and you a lot of money.
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