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 Step 6: The Offer


Now that you have captivated your reader about all the greatness your product will provide them, you can divulge what the offer is. You want to address the reader’s need to buy your product. How would your target audience feel about having your product in their lives?

You need to get personal with the offer. You need to know who you want to sell your product to and you need to know why it will add value to their lives and how they will feel about having the product. Addressing these needs and their feelings will hit the reader on a personal level. They will feel like this offer is specifically for them and is something they have been searching for for some time.

The reader needs to think this product will fill a need maybe they did not even know they had. They should feel as though they have had a revelation and if they do not act now on your great offer than they will miss out on having this product in their life.

Creating a sense of urgency with the offer is important. You will want to break up your offer into smaller parts, if possible, to make the reader feel like they are getting more value in the offer. Even if it is just one product, breaking it into smaller sellable features can make the product seem bigger and better. It’s all about perception.

The offer will back up all the problems you addressed and how each feature of the product addresses those problems. Compare your new product to a similar older model. You want to highlight all the benefits and why your product is superior. Here you can back up your offer with direct results and figures. This will reiterate the greatness of your product and remind the reader of what they are getting for this offer.

Fragment your offer into smaller deals, and then add in bonuses that were not mentioned beforehand. Maybe keep a feature out of the main features and reveal it here as a bonus feature. Even though it might be a regular feature, calling it a bonus will help sweeten your offer. This bonus will add more value to the customer and they will think they are getting a special deal just for them. A bonus can also have be time sensitive, adding to that sense of urgency to buy now. Explain how they will benefit from acting now and receive this bonus offer.Only after you have broken down your offer and included bonuses should you include the price of your offer. You want to leave this to the end of the offer so in their mind they are building up your quality product to be more expensive than it actually is. By showing them how much they will receive from this product they will start to calculate in the mind how much they will expect it to cost.

If you have written your sales copy correctly, then they will expect your product to cost much more than it does. By doing this, you will make them feel like they are getting an even better offer than you are giving them. You have to market your product to be the best and create that demand for your product so when the price of the offer is revealed to them they will jump on it immediately and think they would be stupid not to take the offer.

Step 7: Connect With The Buyer On Their Level

It is time to get emotional and connect with the reader on their level. What might be their feelings about reading your sales copy? They will have hesitations and reflect on how this product will impact their life.

Address why you understand their problem is the same problem as theirs, why the product can solve their problem too. Talk to the reader as if you have been in the shoes and understand where they are coming from. Show the reader you are qualified to manufacture and sell this product with confidence.

Connect with the reader to show them they can believe you. They have had many people try to pitch them products and maybe even similar products, so why should they believe you over the others. Give the reader reasons to trust you and want to buy your products over the other products. It’s their hard earned money and they are not just going to give it to anyone. You need to earn their respect by connecting with the buyer.

The buyer might like your product but think they do not need it in their life right now. They already like the product they just need to be persuaded to buy it now. These buyers will not take much to convert into sales. You simply need to connect with them, speak to them through your sales copy. Be honest and transparent so they know to trust you and come back to you in the future when you have other products to offer.

Make the reader feel as though you have already helped yourself, have helped many others and now you can help them too. You want to reiterate the points you made in introducing yourself and why you are credible. The reader wants to buy a product from someone they feel like they already know.

Not only do you need to the reader to connect to you, but you also need to show the reader how their life will benefit from having your product in their lives. Maybe there is an inherent, hidden benefit that they would never have even realized this product will bring to their lives had you not told them about it.

For example, if a product saves them time you can tell the reader that extra time they saved from having the product will allow them more time to connect with their loved ones. In today’s busy world, freeing up time for loved ones can mean a lot. This is connecting your product to the reader on their emotional level. You want to use any information possible to make them feel like they need the product in their life.

Step 8: Seal The Deal

Now that you have pulled the heart strings a little, remind the reader of what the offer is and all the benefits they will get from it. Many people might read your sales copy and think this is an amazing offer and they will come back later to buy the product, but then they never do. Please can be naturally lazy and take their time in deciding to buy a product. They want to weigh about all the benefits compared to the offered price. They need time to think it over.

To seal the deal you need to introduce a sense of scarcity and urgency with your offer. Make them think if they do not buy it now, the offer will be gone. As soon as they close the sales page you probably will not get them back.

Tell them there is a limited supply and that the product is sold on a first come, first serve basis. Or the special offer with its bonus is only available for a limited time. Act on their fear of missing out on the offer to motivate them to buy now. Create an extra incentive for the reader to take your call to action immediately.

Use discounts in addition to bonuses that are only available should they buy the product today. Discounts can be very powerful tools to help seal the deal. People love to get a discount, especially if it’s a big discount if they act now. They feel like they’ve done themselves a favor for purchasing the product at a discounted price.

Inform your reader that if they act now, and only now, that they will receive the discount plus an additional bonus gift. The bonus gift can be in the form of an eBook which will give you credibility and is a very cheap and easy product to include as a bonus. Including an eBook shows the buyer that you know about the subject of which the product is related to. And the urgency of including this product if they buy now and only now with help to seal the deal, they are getting more value for their money.

You’ve already explained to the reader all the benefits they will get from buying your product, now you need to tell them what they will lose if they do not act now. Warn the reader about what will happen should they not take your offer. Make your reader imagine their life with and without your product.

Connect with their emotions again but this time in a way they will understand that they will continue to suffer without your product in their lives. Their problem will not be solved the way yours and many others have. They should be part of the group that knows about your secret product and all the benefits.

Do not be overly sleazy or show to much marketing here because the reader will sniff it out right away and not take your incentive to purchase the product now. There is a fine line to walk between being an obvious marketer and sharing information of a great new product with the reader as a friend would in a conversation. You want them to feel what will happen if they do not act now, what they will miss out on.

Step 9: Close The Sale

The reader is sold, they want your product. They need your product. You need to show them exactly how to purchase your product. Do not leave anything up to the buyer. They know they want to buy your product but they might not know exactly how to go about actually buying it. Make it easy, simple and obvious.

Walk the reader through each step of how to buy the product. Do not leave anything to the imagination. Have little help bubbles beside each step to clarify even further what the buyer has to do to purchase the product. If your product can only be purchased via phone, make sure you tell them that in concise and easy to interpret language.

You’ve hooked the reader into buying your product and it would be a shame to lose them because they cannot figure out how to buy your product. Be clear. If they have to pay with PayPal or you only accept certain credit cards, lay it out for them before they start the process of buying the product. There should be zero surprises for them when going through the steps to buy your product.

Even if you feel like you have over simplified the purchasing process, try to simplify it even more. You want to be sure their purchase will go through. Before they hit the final confirmation button, you should remind them of the key benefits of the product.

Reinforce their decision to buy the product. You want them to be confident in purchasing your product. You do not want the reader to buy your product then immediately have buyer’s remorse. Encourage them that they are making the right decision by buying your product over someone else’s. All the things you promised will materialize as soon as they receive the product, they will not be disappointed.

Step 10: Offer A Guarantee

Providing your reader with a guarantee takes all of the risk out of the transaction. What do they have to lose by purchasing your product? Show them it is nothing. You will guarantee their money back if they are not satisfied or found that your product provides all the features you promised.

Your guarantee should address any and all possible objections the buyer might have. Take the time to show your reader you have considered any potential hesitations they might have. List them out and tell them why your product can overcome these hesitations and how you guarantee the buyer’s satisfaction.

You need to brainstorm all the possible hesitations the buyer may have about purchasing your product and discuss how the product will not meet those expectations. Instead, turn those objections into positive features that will benefit the user.

Change their opinions by offering rock solid guaranteed satisfaction on the product with a money back guarantee. If you are selling your product over the Internet, customers are always weary of giving away their money for a product they have never seen in person. Offering a money back guarantee takes the risk away from the buyer. If you are using a payment method 

such as PayPal or ClickBank, you have to offer a guarantee anyway. Seeing the PayPal or ClickBank logo also can help to ease the buyer because they are trusted payment methods. It helps to back up your iron clad guarantee.

You will want to offer at least a 45 day money back guarantee, but 60 days is best. With shipping there can be delays in the buyer receiving the product and there can also be delays in sending it back should they be dissatisfied. It also shows the buyer that you are giving them time to really decide if they are truly satisfied with your product; it adds a layer of trust.

Having this risk-free transaction allows the reader to know they are getting a great value. Even if they end up being dissatisfied with the product, they can still keep all the great bonuses you offered. The buyer does not have anything to worry about or anything to lose by taking the offer now.

Tell the buyer that they do not have to decide now with this great guarantee. They can purchase the product as a trial and if they are not satisfied then they can return the product with the guarantee and keep the bonus gifts. This is a classic marketing tactic. Almost always if people purchase the product for a trial period, they will be satisfied and will not return it.

Step 11: Call To Action

You already know that the reader likes your product because you closed the sale with them. Do not let them go so easily. Make a call to action in the form of subscribing to your newsletter. The call to action after they have purchased your product will be to sign up to receive your newsletter so they can keep up to date with your company and any other products or information you have to provide.

Or if they have not been convinced yet, tell them to sign up to your newsletter regardless. They can keep in contact with the company and informed on your products. They can decide to come back later to buy the product.

Make your call to action stand out. You want it to be obvious what the reader has to do next whether they have decided to purchase your product now or not. Encourage the reader to check out your website, come into your office or retail store, sign up for your newsletter, call an information line, or to compare similar products and see that yours is the superior one and the best price.

If you have other similar products or products that people have bought at the same time as your product then now is the time to direct the customer to the sales page of those other product. The call to action is to see what other products customers also bought you bought your product. People will feel interested in seeing what other people have similar interests in are buying, what is trending.

The call to action needs to have persuasive and actionable words in it so the reader will stay within your company’s pages or looking through archives of products, posts or newsletters to keep them connected with the company.

Keeping the customer as a return and loyal customer will be your greatest asset. It will be easy to inform them of new products when you create them and you can send to them in mailing 

lists. Mailing lists are a great form of customer retention. With all the information online the customer might forget to come back to your company from time to time to see what is new. Having them subscribe to your newsletter is a great way to keep them in the loop.

Step 12: The PS

Always include a post script (PS) in your sales copy. People tend to actually read the post script compared to other elements throughout the sales copy. Include important information in your PS. Remind the reader of why there is a need to act now. Do not be afraid to add several post scripts as each PS, PPS, PPPS acts like you are telling the reader a little secret.

The reader will scan the page, starting with the headline, anything that is large and stands out throughout the copy and then the post script. You can use the post script to highlight the greatest parts of your offer and why they need to move immediately on the offer.

Tell the reader there is a deadline on the offer or a limited supply, reinforce that sense of scarcity and urgency you created when you were sealing the deal. This will only help seal the deal further. You can restate your call to action, remind them of the irresistible offer, recap any important points you made in your sales copy.

It is more likely that your post scripts will be read than the actual details of your offer. Here you can be quick and to the point. Show the reader exactly how the product will benefit them. Use quotes that will help related to the reader.

Use up to three post scripts, one to sell the urgency, one to sell the benefits and one to hit the reader’s emotions. These three post scripts will make the reader want to go back and learn more about the product. The PS is really where you can tease and entice the reader to go back and take another look at your product.

The post scripts can even be the most fun part of your sales copy. They are a little section where you can add just about anything, maybe even an additional offer that was not in the sales copy which can sweeten the deal even more. People enjoy reading the post scripts because they feel like little tidbits of information that need to be added or reminded in a cute way.


While it may seem like a lot of information to take in, writing great sales copy will help make or break your product’s launch. Your copy should be short and to the point. The reader will take a quick glance over your page rather than reading every word you have so carefully included in your copy. Once they have glanced at your page and have found it interesting, they will go back and take the time to read about the product.

Do not forget to be as honest, persuasive and enthusiastic about the product as possible. It will shine through in your sales copy and the reader will relate to it. Always make the reader the center of attention. Do not show why the product is great, show why it is great for them specifically.

Make your passion for your brand and product very apparent through your writing. It will come off as a more interesting read instead of someone who doesn’t believe in the product they are selling. If you are not sold yourself on the product, how can you persuade someone else to buy it?

Capture the reader will a killer headline then introduce yourself and why you should be trusted. Recount a problem you had that the reader might also have and then reveal how you solved your problem with the product and how the reader can too. Give them hard proof of the quality of the product and why it is as amazing as you say it is. Give them an offer they cannot refuse. Connect with the reader on an emotional level before you seal the deal with a sense of urgency and scarcity. Closing the deal will be easy when you show your money back guarantee. Once they have purchased the product create a further call to action to keep them as customer and finally add in a post script to reiterate the facts that the product is great.

PS – If you can master these 12 steps in sales copywriting you will start to see your products selling faster and at a higher volume.

PPS – See how effective post scripts can be, I bet you read these right away.

PPS – Always make it about the customer and how the product will add value to their life.

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