Cryptocurrency is an online form of payment that can be traded
for goods or services, just like fiat money (government issued
There are many companies who have created their own tokens
which can be traded for their own goods and services, so there
are certainly a lot of cryptocurrencies out there—nearly 7,000
according to, a market research website!
According to, the “crypto” in cryptocurrency
refers to “complicated cryptography which allows for the creation
and processing of digital currencies and their transactions across
decentralized systems.”
Cryptocurrencies are usually developed by teams who build in
various mechanisms for issuance, usually depending on that
decentralized system. Cryptocurrencies work by using something called blockchain,
which is a decentralized technology that is spread across a great
many different computers and records and manages transactions.
It’s very secure because it’s not all in one central location, and
once a transaction is chained, it’s recorded for posterity.
Entrepreneurs have begun to utilize cryptocurrency to further
their business and increase profits. In fact, since cryptocurrencies
are both investment opportunities and new financial instruments,
there has never been a better time to get started!
Are you ready to dive into the exciting and profitable world of
cryptocurrency and blockchain?
Let’s begin!
How Cryptocurrency Works
The most popular cryptocurrency is the Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies
modeled after this one are often called “altcoins” and are often
less secure than the Bitcoin.
Bitcoin was created in 2009 (at present, nobody knows exactly
who created it). Investopedia says it offers “lower transaction fees
than traditional online payment mechanisms and, unlike
government-issued currencies, it is operated by a decentralized
There aren’t any physical Bitcoins you can see or touch. Instead,
there is a totally public ledger that everybody on Earth has access
to. Bitcoins aren’t issued or backed by any government or bank,
and individual Bitcoins aren’t valuable as a commodity.
All Bitcoin transactions are verified by a huge amount of
computing power, though. The system consists of a collection of computers, referred to as “nodes” or “miners,” that all run the
Bitcoin code and store the blockchain record of all transactions.
Since every computer running this blockchain has the same lists of
blocks and transactions, and everyone can see the new blocks
being filled, it’s almost impossible to cheat the system.
As of January, 2021, Bitcoin has around 12,000 different nodes
(and that number is growing), so such an attack is highly unlikely.
Even if it did occur, the Bitcoin miners (the actual people involved
in the Bitcoin network with their computers) would notice the
change and simply “fork” to a new blockchain and make the
whole attack a waste of time.
Bitcoin mining is the process by which the bitcoins are released
into circulation. Investopedia explains that this mining “requires
the solving of computationally difficult puzzles to discover a new
block, which is added to the blockchain.”When a new block is added, miners are rewarded with a few
Bitcoins. This reward is halved after every 210,000 blocks, so the
50 Bitcoin reward in 2009 is now down to 6.25 Bitcoins.
You can use a variety of different hardware to mine Bitcoins.
Some will get you better results, of course, and these are called
“mining rigs.”
For example, certain computer chips (Application-Specific
Integrated Circuits, or ASIC) and more advanced processing units
(like Graphic Processing Units or GPU) will yield higher rewards
than other systems.
One Bitcoin can be divided into eight decimal places. The smallest
unit is called a Satoshi (0.00000001 of a Bitcoin) because the
mysterious entity who created the Bitcoin used the pseudonym
Satoshi Nakamoto. If participating miners agree, the Bitcoin may
be divided even further in the future.Bitcoin can be used as a means of payment for products or
services. Physical stores can accept Bitcoin in lieu of fiat money—
transactions would be handled with a special terminal or with QR
codes and touch screen apps.
An online business can easily accept Bitcoins along with its other
online payment options like credit cards or PayPal. There are also
job-site websites that will hook up prospective employees with
employers who pay in Bitcoin, like Cryptogrind, Coinality, or
Many Bitcoin supporters feel that digital currency will become the
norm in the future. In 2014, the IRS proclaimed that all virtual
currencies, including Bitcoins, would be taxed as property instead
of currency. This means that gains or losses from Bitcoins held as
capital will be realized as capital gains or losses, while those held
as inventory will incur ordinary gains or losses.To purchase cryptocurrency like Bitcoins, you will need an online
“wallet,” an app that can hold your investments. Usually, you
create an account with an exchange, and then you can transfer
fiat money into cryptocurrencies.
One popular trading exchange is Coinbase, which allows you to
create a wallet and buy and sell cryptocurrencies.
What You Need to Know:
The Risks
While cryptocurrency opens the doors to countless investment
and financial instruments, because of the lack of guaranteed
value, as well as its digital nature, there are risks involved that you
should know about before you get started.
Barry Sibert, CEO of Digital Currency Group (which builds and
invests in Bitcoins and blockchain companies) says “It is pretty
much the highest-risk, highest-return investment that you can
possibly make.”
Here are some of the risks you can incur:
Regulatory Risks: Bitcoins are a digital rival to government
currency and, thus, may be used for illegal activities, black market
transactions, money laundering, or tax evasion. Governments, therefore, might seek to regulate, restrict, or ban
the use of such currency (some already have). Other governments
are coming up with various rules concerning cryptocurrency.
Security Risks: Most people who own and use Bitcoins have
obtained their currency through any of many popular online
markets, called Bitcoin exchanges. These are entirely digital, so as
with any other virtual system, are at risk from hackers, malware,
and even operational glitches.
Hackers may target these exchanges and gain access to thousands
of accounts and digital “wallets” where Bitcoins are stored.
Users can only prevent these risks by storing their currency on a
computer not connected to the internet or by choosing to use a
“paper wallet” where they print out the Bitcoin private keys and
addresses without keeping them in a computer at all.
Insurance Risk: Currently, cryptocurrency exchanges and accounts
are not insured by any federal or government program.
In 2019, one dealer and trading platform (SFOX) did announce
they’d provide Bitcoin investors with FDIC insurance, but only for
those transactions involving cash.
Fraud Risk: Bitcoin does use private-key encryption to verify
owners and register transactions, but scammers might try to sell
fake Bitcoins. There have also been documented cases of price
manipulation, which is another common form of fraud.
Market Risk: As with any other investment, Bitcoin prices can
fluctuate. In fact, Bitcoin value has seen wild swings since 2009.
There is also plenty of competition for Bitcoin, and a technical
breakthrough in the form of a better virtual coin is always a
threat.If you’re looking to invest in cryptocurrency in an ICO (Initial Coin
Offering), you should ask yourself the following questions:
• Who owns the company? Is it a recognizable name or an
identifiable owner?
• Are there other major investors already in?
• Will you own a stake in the company or just currency or
tokens? The former means you’re an actual owner in the
company, while the latter just gives you cryptocurrency to
buy or sell.
• Is the currency already developed or is the company trying
to raise money to develop it? The further along the product
is, the less risky it will be.
Cryptocurrency for
Every digital currency on the market can be classified as one of
five types. The distinctions between them are important because
they tell you what exactly you’re investing in and who can invest
in them.
Coins vs Tokens: This is the biggest distinction between
cryptocurrencies. Each digital currency must be one or the other,
and here’s the difference—coins have their own blockchain and
tokens don’t.
A blockchain is a decentralized, peer-to-peer network that records
transactions on a digital ledger.
Most of the big-name currencies are coins.
On the other hand, tokens must be created from a blockchain
already in existence like Ethereum. Their protocol exists on top of
that blockchain.
Coins function as currency; tokens represent access to “stock” or
a product. The value of a token is a little complicated, too.
Tokens are usually released in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), which
give the investor access to tokenized services or products, or
represent a stake in a cryptocurrency company.
Tokens also fall under different SEC regulations depending on
whether they represent a utility or a security.
Utility Tokens vs Security Tokens: It’s almost essential that an
entrepreneur understand the difference between these two types
of cryptocurrency. The SEC has much stricter regulations for security tokens than it
does for utility.
This is because the former, as the name says, act as digital
If you can buy or trade a token on a cryptocurrency exchange
without being an accredited investor, then it’s a utility token.
In the most basic terms, a utility token gives an investor access to
a product or service. It can represent a discounted rate or
early/exclusive access.
If you’re looking at Smart Contracts or DApps, you’re looking at
utility tokens.
Security tokens are different. They’re securities that exist on a
blockchain and represent part-ownership in a real-world,
tradeable asset that is external to that blockchain. Because they’re regulated by the SEC like securities, you must be
an accredited investor to trade them. The SEC decides which
tokens are security tokens by determining whether or not an
investor will make money based on a third party’s labor.
Stablecoins: Distinctions between the different types of
cryptocurrency can be a little obscure. Some companies will try to
pass off their security tokens as utility tokens.
And then there’s the debate over whether or not tokens can
represent currency (like coins) rather than just access to a service.
To make things even more confusing, stablecoins are often
technically “stabletokens.” Stablecoins are a type of
cryptocurrency that is “pegged” to traditional assets like
government-backed currency or gold. The advantage with this is that during a “bear” market, investors
can move their money from volatile cryptocurrencies to
stablecoins (which are theoretically more stable) instead of
converting back and forth to USD, which will involve transaction
Then, during a “bull” market, the investor can convert the
stablecoins back into more volatile cryptocurrency without much
of a cost.
Despite being called coins, however, most stablecoins are actually
tokens because they don’t have their own blockchains.
Why should you care whether something is a coin, a token, a
security or a utility?
As a potential investor, you need to know the value of the
cryptocurrency you’re considering and how current and future
SEC regulations will affect it. And the distinction between coins and tokens marks the two forks
in cryptocurrency’s evolution: cryptocurrency as a payment
method and as a tokenized security.
The question is: can cryptocurrency replace the US dollar or the
stock market—or both?
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