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How To Twitter Success success With traffic Big Income Twitter

 Chapter 02 -

 Get Ready to Go Manual or Full Auto

At this stage, you have set up your Twitter account. It is brand consistent. You already have lined up the best content you have researched from your competitors. This content has a lot of likes, shares, comments and other

signs of engagement. This is third party content produced by others. When people click the link, they go to somebody elses website. They do not go to your site.

Why in the world would you share this stuff? What's the point of driving traffic to somebody else's website? Well, it really boils down to credibility. If you make it your job to get all the very best content involving your niche and 

sharing it from one central place, you become credible and authoritative so much faster than if you just publish your own content.

Twitter Success Marketing

First of all, it's going to take a lot of time to reverse-engineer the very best content and come up with your own version. It can also become very expensive. Time, after all, is money. Even if you're not paying a professional writer from places like who charge very reasonable rates, coming up with original content can still be a very expensive proposition for you.

Why? It will take a lot of your own time to come up with that content. You probably have better things to do. You probably have other things you could be doing that would currently pay you more money.

Third party content is a lifesaver. This is called curation. You take the best content that everybody else has to offer and then you share it through your social media accounts. Heres the secret though. You share that content to draw people based on their interests.

For example, if I find top-notch content on content marketing and I have a

Twitter account that sells content marking services, it would make a lot of

sense for me to put all that high-quality and highly popular material in my

Twitter feed but, from time to time, I would share my own original content.

My original content would build credibility for me based on what I raise in the content. I control the conversation using those posts. After I get enough of a natural following, I would then share more and more of my own content and then share posts that only feature my squeeze page sign-up link. 

By doing this, I kill two birds with one stone. I share curated content to build credibility among a niche audience. These are people searching for certain specific content using very targeted hashtags.

I pair very targeted niche hashtags with all my content. I rotate them. Then, I send out this content slowly but surely I get people who are truly interested in my niche.

Once Ive established quite a bit of a following, I then share my own reverse-engineered content. This builds even more credibility, and this can also lead to my website getting backlinks from bloggers who are monitoring my niche.

Finally, once Ive got enough flow going, I would then start rotating my squeeze page link through my tweets more often. Instead of showing my squeeze page tweets once every two days or once a week, I can start showing it every few hours.

However, it only makes sense to do this once you have established a dece

nt number of followers and there's a high-enough overall engagement level with your tweets.

This is the general strategy. You can do this either manually or on full-auto. 

What is Fully Automated Tweeting?

Twitter Success Marketing

Fully automated tweeting is exactly what it sounds like. The content that you are going to be tweeting is fed through a social media

content publishing tool like Hootsuite or SocialOomph.

You just set up a schedule and the links and the tweet text that you put are going to be published to your account. You don't have the babysit your Twitter account as it publishes tweet after tweet. You also automatically plug in the hashtag that you want to target for each tweet.

Fully automated tweeting can also mean using certain tools like FollowLiker that actually mimics liking other people's accounts. Usually, when people have their posts liked, they feel good. It feels good to feel like you matter. It feels good to be appreciated. A certain percentage of these would actually click the account of the person liking and see what their page is like. If they like what they see, they end up following.

Fully automated tweeting also includes this. You basically automate publishing, but you also automate engagement. There are many tools currently available on the market but heres a bit of a warning. Twitter is cracking down on bot-like behavior. 

While few people will have problems with automating publishing, most people would view automated liking or automated favoriting or listing with more suspicion. Im just giving you a heads up because these bots may sooner or later be banned by Twitter.

What is Purely Manual Tweeting?

Twitter Success Marketing

You can go the other extreme. The other extreme, of course, is to do everything purely by hand. Not only do you find the very best content by hand, you

filter them manually, you post everything manually, you also engage manually.

The great thing about this is that you have maximum control.

The bad thing about this is you need to have iron discipline to pull this off. What if the vast majority of your actual link clickers live in a different time zone? This is going to be a problem. You're going to have to get up early or stay up late to tweet within the hours your actual followers are most active. This can get downright inconvenient.

Also, engaging tons of niche accounts on Twitter can burn up a lot of time. You also have to process a lot of information in a short period of time. Unless 
you have an IQ of over 150, its just going to be a little heavy because thats a lot of content to read through and analyze.

Go for a Hybrid Solution

Twitter Success Marketing

Theres a lot to recommend a purely manual tweeting approach. You get a lot of control. You get a laser-like focus on account selection. You get to truly fine-tune your message.

However, it takes too much time and effort.

Thankfully, there is a halfway solution. This hybrid solution is pretty straightforward. You can use tools to post on your Twitter feed, but engagement is done manually. That's pretty much how it boils down.

You still have to find niche-related content that's already gone viral. There's no getting around this. You still have to do this.

Thankfully, there is a cheaper way to do this. You can, of course, do this yourself. Like I said, time is money. You might also feel like you're going nuts because you have to read so much material.

The shortcut is to use a service like They have virtual assistants from places like India and the Philippines that you only need to pay $18 per day. These bright, ambitious, educated people would then find the viral content that you're looking for that meets your criteria. 
They then send you an XLS file, you verify then you pay them. Its only $18 for eight hours worth of work. You cant beat that with a baseball bat. You really can't.

However way you choose to do it, you need to get this content. You then look for influence leaders on Twitter that cater to your niche. Again, you can do this yourself or you can hire a virtual assistant to do it for you.

The secret is to make sure that they're almost always talking about your niche. Once you are sure about that, you can then look at their content and pay attention to their hashtags. Copy these. You're going to pair these with your tweets.

Use an Automated Tool to Publish

Twitter Success Marketing

Whether you're doing things manually or automatically, use an automated tool to publish. The good news here is that

you're not taking blind shots in the dark. When you publish, pair this content, whether it's original or third party, with hashtags related to your niche.

The Difference

The big difference is what happens next. When you're using an automated system, you wait for an organic following and then you mix in your squeeze

page links and your content links. You then use some sort of tool to mimic engagement.

For a manual approach, you do the same. You wait for an organic following to increase and then you mix in your own stuff. The big difference is you invest one hour per day doing manual outreach to influencers in your niche. You should already be doing this

because these are the people you got your hashtags from, remember?

The extra step that you need to take is to just engage with them. Tell them that you like their content, manually like their stuff, click the heart icon or retweet. Do whatever you can to get on their radar.

One-to-one or person-to person engagement is crucial. You have to get on their radar. Again, you can try to automate but it can be ham-fisted. Also, it may be so obvious or clunky. Worse yet, Twitter might be cracking down on engagement automation, so this option may not remain open for long.
Twitter Success Marketing

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