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 Modern Twitter Marketing

Make no mistake, if you believe in certain myths, you’ll end up sabotaging 

Modern Twitter Marketing freelancer

yourself. This applies across the board. This doesn’t just apply to marketing 

and definitely doesn’t just apply to social media marketing.

If you believe in myths regarding your productivity, your ability to produce 

stuff on time suffers. If you believe in myths regarding your self-esteem or 

self-confidence, you’ll end up suffering on so many different levels. 

Myths lead you to a dead end. It’s a good idea to get rid of them so you can 

get better results. Unfortunately, it’s one thing to say that you should 

overcome myths, it's another to actually do something about them.

The biggest part of the challenge is identifying the myths in the first place. 

When it comes to twitter marketing, here are 10 myths that you need to 

identify, confront, and overcome. 

Modern Twitter Marketing freelancer

Just because you put up a Twitter account doesn’t necessarily mean you will 

get a ton of traffic from Twitter. In fact, according to the intensive analysis 

done by digital marketing firms, Twitter actually sends only a small fraction of 

the exposures it gets. This means that, even a lot of your twitter followers 

retweet your material, very few people click through.

This is why it’s crucial that you get retweeted a lot, so that the volume of 

those retweets can compensate the fact that few people click through. 

Without heavy visibility—as far as retweets go—you shouldn’t really expect a 

huge volume of visitors from Twitter. 

This makes a lot of sense because Twitter is actually swimming in millions 

upon millions of twits every single day. It’s very easy for these twits to fall 

between the cracks. Massive retweets enable your content to overcome this 

statistical disadvantage.

Modern Twitter Marketing freelancer

A lot of people are under the impression that Twitter is simply a branding 

platform. It’s great to have your content in front of people’s eyeballs so they 

can see the title. It’s great to see your brand and your pictures on twitter—

but that’s pretty much it. 

These two lines of thought are inaccurate. Twitter can deliver traffic. Just 

don’t expect a massive amount. But it can deliver and—if you play your cards 

right—it can deliver qualified traffic. 

This is a big deal because when traffic is qualified, these people know what 

they’re clicking on and they’re clear as to what their needs are. If the content 

they land on addresses those needs, there’s a big chance these people would 

actually convert into buyers or list of members or something else. 

Regardless of how you convert traffic into cold hard cash, you have a higher 

chance of doing that if your traffic is qualified. Twitter can be a great source 

of qualified traffic. Numerically speaking, it may not be much, but success in 

online marketing is measured by conversions, not necessarily traffic volume.

Modern Twitter Marketing freelancer

 If you know how to use Twitter, chances are, you will be able to drive traffic

from this platform. It’s easy to think that this is the only benefit you would


It turns out that Twitter actually brings a lot of benefits to the table. Not only

can it drive direct visitors to your target website, it can also help you get

more backlinks for SEO purposes. It can also help you become an instant

expert in your niche field.

It brings a lot of benefits to the table. You just have to be open minded about

it. You also have to put in the time, as far as engagement is concerned.

Don’t hang your hat on traffic. Traffic alone is not going to put dollars in your

pocket. You have to qualify that traffic. This is one of the most powerful

benefits of twitter because you qualify that traffic by building up your brand,

credibility, and authority..

Modern Twitter Marketing freelancer

In the early days of Twitter, lots of marketers managed to pump a lot of 

traffic from Twitter. It turned out that the huge percentage of this traffic 

simply doesn’t convert. This doesn’t mean that the traffic is fake. It’s not like 

all this traffic came from software. That wasn’t the problem. 

The problem was, the people-driving all this heavy traffic volume-didn’t 

bother to qualify that traffic. In fact, a lot of them tricked people into clicking 

on a link. 

I don’t know about you, but if I got tricked into clicking on a link through click￾bait or some other cheap trick, I won’t exactly be in the mood to buy 

something. I wouldn’t be pumped up to sign up to some sort of mailing list. 

Because in the back of my head, I’d be thinking “I got tricked!”. I was 

expecting something, and I ended up in a place that did not deliver on my 


If you drive real traffic, and you qualify through content, the right hashtags 

and branded twitter page, chances are, that traffic can convert. Twitter traffic 

does convert, you just have to know what you’re doing. You can’t just focus 

on a massive amount of traffic and expect—somehow, someway—for people 

to sign up. It doesn’t work that way..

A lot of marketers think that the global traffic pie is fixed, and that there’s

only so much to go around. According to this thinking, if you want your slice

of the twitter traffic pie to get bigger, you have to necessarily elbow into your

competitors’ slice.

Put simply, for your slice of traffic to get bigger, their slice has to get smaller.

After all, there’s only so much to share. This is wrong. There is such a thing as

increasing the size of the pie.

Unfortunately, a lot of people are under the impression that reaching out to

people who are already authorities—or are credible figures on twitter—

regarding their niche, means that they are basically making a deal with the


They view these people—who are competing for the same traffic—as

opponents. This really is too bad because there’s lots more money and traffic

that can be generated from cooperation instead of competition.

Don’t get me wrong, competition is good, competition lights a fire on people’s

behinds and pushes them to do their best. Competition ignites your fire in

the belly and pushes you to the limit. You’re pushed to be more creative. You

are challenged to be more resourceful. 

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