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Achwing your dreams success



Chapter 1 Are You Living In Your Comfort Zone? 

Living in a comfortable bubble

Comfort zones do change.  

Achwing your dreams

When comfort becomes a problem

Chapter 2 Step out of Your Comfort Zone Dont Let It Kill Your Dreams

Breathe new life into your dreams

Your true potential

Learn new things

Chapter 3 Key to Success Setting the SMART Goals

The smart thing to do

Setting SMART goals

Chapter 4 Planning Your Course Of Action

A sense of direction

Its all about the details

Chapter 5 Overcoming Your Fears

Understand your fear

Keep yourself occupied

Stop scaring yourself 

Chapter 6 Substitute Negativity with Positive Thinking

Focus on what really matters

Theres no limit to what you can do

Look forward to your failures

Be excited about the future

Chapter 7 Working On Your Self-Discipline

Learning to say no

Good habits are important

You need accountability

Rewarding self-discipline

Chapter 8 Stay Motivated Even In a Slump

Extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation

Make motivation a habit

Turn obstacles into opportunities

Chapter 9 Widening Your Comfort Zone 

The unfamiliar becomes familiar

Fight the good fight

Continue challenging yourself

Chapter 10 Lets take The Leap

Believe in yourself

Integrity is necessary

Bend but dont break

Conclusion  Introduction

We all have big dreams in life. Its our dreams that sustain us as we slowly trudge through our day to day lives. We look towards the future, so we dont feel so bad about our present.

We see our lives as having this upward trajectory. Were not going to stay at the bottom forever. Who wants that anyway?

But we all know what the truth is. The vast majority of people are going to remain at the bottom. Far removed from what theyve envisioned their life to be.

For most of us, success is nothing but a word. It means nothing. But how did this happen? Arent we all supposed to want to achieve our dreams?

The truth is, we all want to succeed, but not everyone is willing to take action. Success is earned, not given. Its not going to be handed to you on a silver platter. You dont get to sit back, do nothing, and get rewarded with your dreams. No, it doesnt work like that.

If you want to be successful, youre going to work hard for it. And by hard, I mean really hard. Youll toil for your dreams for years. It wont be a walk in the park.

Youll take risks and challenges. Youll face failure head-on, not once, not twice, but plenty of times.

Dreaming is not for cowards. Its not for those who cant even find the courage to leave their comfort zones behind. Its not for people who arent brave enough to take that first step out the door. Its not for people who dont know the meaning of the word sacrifice.

But, youre not one of them. Youre reading this guide because you want to change your life for the better. Youre tired of living a mediocre life, and youre finally taking action towards your goals.

Let this guide help you get to where you want to go. I guarantee that by the time you finish reading, youll be ready to finally step out of your comfort zone.

Chapter 1 Are You Living In Your Comfort Zone? 

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.

- Denis Waitley

We all like getting comfortable. We like living and doing things in comfort. In this day and age of instant gratification, we can easily get the things we want.

For instance, with just a push of a button on a mobile app or a click on your computer mouse, you can have your food and groceries delivered to you. Theres no need to stand in line all hot and sweaty.

Thanks to the Internet, you can get practically anything you like delivered straight to your doorstep.

Living in a comfortable bubble

When we get too comfortable, we tend to live in our own little bubbles. At first, we may feel happy, satisfied, and safe in our little safe zone. Were able to do things that dont stress us out or make us anxious.

Eventually, however, we become bored and uninspired. We become unhappy. Our dreams get relegated to the back burner.

But many people still dont want to rock the boat even though theyre unhappy. Does this sound like you?

You want to leave things the way they are. Youve gotten too used to comfort that the mere thought of leaving it to go do something uncomfortable leaves you in a cold sweat.

What does it mean for you?

It means youve changed. And its not for the better, either. Where your dreams once consumed you, youve now turned into a scared little mouse. Always afraid your small block of cheese is going to get stolen right from under your nose.

Comfort zones do change

You want to go out and chase your dreams, but youre afraid that if you do leave your comfort zone, you wont be able to find your way back. You think its going to disappear.

But its not true. You know why? Because our comfort zones dont remain constant forever. As we grow older and have more life experiences, our comfort zones grow with us too.

Think of it this way:

What you have inside your comfort zone now used to be outside of it at one point.

Look at your home. For most of us, our homes are at the center of our comfort zones. Its where we go home to sleep, eat, relax, have fun with the family, all that good stuff.

But, have you always lived in that same home? Did you always have the same people living in your home?

Im willing to bet your answer is going to be a big no.

So, before you moved into your present home, you were living somewhere else. And that somewhere else was also part of your comfort zone.

When you decided to move from your old home to the new one, you probably felt scared. Excited, too, but mostly scared. You were leaving your old comfort zone behind.

However, after a few days, weeks, or months of living at your new home, you suddenly realized its become your new comfort zone. You no longer felt scared.

Your new home is no longer the unknown. Youve finally settled in. Youre finally comfortable.

See, that wasnt so bad, was it?

Theres nothing wrong with being comfortable. After all, everyone seeks it no matter what their status in life is.

When comfort becomes a problem

When comfort suddenly interferes with your dreams and your goals in life, it becomes a problem. When you get to the point where you let your comfort take precedence over your dreams, then its a problem.

Your comfort zone has become a problem. Now the thing is, problems arent meant to fester. Theyre meant to be solved and remedied.

So, when your comfort zone stands between you and your dreams, you need to make the right choice if you want to succeed.

Chapter 2 Step out of Your Comfort Zone Dont Let It Kill Your Dreams

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." - Neale Donald Walsch

Whats your biggest dream or goal in life? How long have you had that dream? What have you done to accomplish that? Do you feel like youre getting closer to achieving your goal?

If youve been stuck in your comfort zone for a long, long time, then you may find these questions hard and very painful. Youll probably remember how at one point in your life, you were so full of dreams. How you were going to become a big superstar, a successful engineer, a famous scientist, or whatever you wanted to become when you grew up.

But look around where you are now. Do you like what you see? Is it what youve envisioned from a long time ago?

Maybe. Maybe not. Only you know the answer.

Breathe new life into your dreams

Do you know why many successful people say your comfort zone is where your dreams go to die?

Well, its because theyve been in your shoes before. Once upon a time, they too were languishing in their comfort zones. But they had dreams, and their dreams took them far away from their comfort zones.

If they didnt leave their comfort zones, theyd still be where they were years ago, doing the same things over and over. But no, they didnt settle for that kind of life. Their dreams were more important than their comfort.

Life threw challenges and obstacles at them. But they kept on. They kept fighting for their dreams. Sure, they made mistakes, and they failed countless times. But it did not deter them from their goals.

Their eyes were set on the prize far into the future. They knew what they had to do. And they knew that if they settled in their comfort zone, theyd never amount to anything. Theyd never achieve their dreams.

Your true potential

Each of us has the potential to do great things. But if you remain trapped in your comfort zone, then youre never going to know your true potential.Imagine a bird trapped in a small cage. The bird knows it can fly, but for as long as its caged, it will never know just how high it can fly.

That bird is you. Youre trapped within your cage its just disguised as your comfort zone. The good news is that unlike caged birds, you can actually choose to leave your comfort zone. Youre just not willing to.

If you want to uncover your true potential, then you will need to unlock your cage. Thats the first thing you need to do.

Learn new things

With your cage wide open, you can now feel the breeze on your face. You can now taste freedom. You can now go after your dreams.

But dreams can be fickle. One minute you see it so clearly, you feel like its within arms reach. Then the next minute, its far, far away.

If you want to accomplish your dreams quickly, then you need to have a plan. Not just any old plan, but a solid, well-thought-out plan. A plan that may require you to learn new things and new skills.

In your comfort zone, you wouldnt have had the opportunity to learn and try new things. No, in your comfort zone, youve already mastered everything. Trying new things made you edgy, it made you uncomfortable.

But outside your comfort zone, you dont have such limitations. Outside your comfort zone, youll experience a multitude of opportunities that were previously not available to you.

Its up to you to grab and hold onto those opportunities. Theyll build your skills and your knowledge. Theyll bring you closer to your goals.

Chapter 3  Key to Success  Setting the SMART Goals

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." - Tony Robbins

Your dreams arent going to magically appear within your comfort zone. Instead, if you want to achieve your dreams, youre going to leave your comfort zone behind. Youre going to traverse the vast wilderness, the vast unknown, full of scary things.

You may feel lost, and you may feel like quitting. Youll hear your heart pounding loudly in your ears. Youll feel the wetness of tears on your cheeks. Youll feel your resolve weakening.

At this point, the majority of everyone whos ever had the courage to leave their comfort zones behind, give up. They break down. They surrender to their failures. They succumb to the obstacles. They turn around to where they came from. They hide again in their comfort zones, never to resurface ever again.The smart thing to do

The unknown abyss beyond your comfort zone is extremely tough. If youre not mentally, emotionally, and physically ready, youre not going to get very far before you pack up and head home.

So, how do you get from point A (thats your comfort zone) to point B (your dreams)?

Well, the smart thing to do would be to prepare for your journey.

You cant just wing it and expect to succeed.

Its like going on a month-long holiday abroad without planning ahead. You only buy the tickets to your destination, but you dont know where youre going to be staying. You dont know anything about the place. You dont know the culture, the people, you basically know nothing apart from the name of the place!

Things can quickly go downhill the moment you arrive. You could get lost, you could get robbed, you could get hurt. And you dont want that to happen to you.

Just like your vacation, your dreams need serious planning if you want to succeed. Otherwise, you wouldnt know which way is up and which way is down.

Setting SMART goals

Smart goals arent the same as your regular, run-of-the-mill goals. You dont just say your goal is to become a successful businessman someday. Thats just some generic goal. Its what most people would say. Chances are those people arent any closer to achieving their generic goals, too.

So, what do you do? You start out by actually taking the time to define your goals. Smart goals dont take 5 seconds to create. Smart goals require you to go deep within yourself, to uncover what you really want.

To begin with, your smart goal should meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. It means the following: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-sensitive.

Based on this criteria, you can see right away that a simple goal of becoming a successful businessman someday is not going to cut it.

If you want to become a successful businessman someday, you need to refine your goals to fit the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. You can ask questions like these:

What kind of business would you like? Do you want to create your business from scratch? Should you buy a franchise? What industry do you want to do business in? Do you have sufficient capital to fund your business? If no, how do you plan to acquire capital? Whats your timeline for your goal? Three years? Ten?

As you can see, defining a SMART goal isnt going to be easy like your random generic goal. Youll need to write your thoughts and weigh your options. What are the pros and cons of every option youre considering?

Yes, your SMART goal will make you flex your brain cells. But ultimately, its the right  and only - thing to do.

With a SMART goal, youre eliminating much of the guesswork. You wont be second-guessing yourself all the time, which only slows you down. You already know what you want.

All you have to do next is to make sure you dont ever forget your SMART goal. You can start by writing it down in your journal. You can print out several copies of your goal and then tape it or hang it somewhere youll see it frequently.

A SMART goal will help you reach your goals more efficiently and more effectively. Yes, youll still need to navigate the murky and scary unknown that lies beyond your comfort zone. But now, youll be prepared and better equipped.

Chapter 4 Planning Your Course Of Action. 

ACHIEVING your dreams

"Your life will be no better than the plans you make and the action you take. You are the architect and builder of your own life, fortune, destiny." - Alfred A. Montapert

Creating and defining your SMART goal is important. But you dont just stop there. If you do, then whos to say your goal is actually smart?

A SMART goal is accompanied by a smart action plan. An action plan that doesnt stop at 2 sentences or a single paragraph. Instead, you need an action plan that will outline all the major steps you need to take so you can get to your goals, your destination, your point B.

If you dont want to get lost on your journey, you need a solid plan. Its going to be your roadmap to success.

A sense of direction

Imagine for a moment youre going away on a road trip to a destination far, far away. Say, a thousand miles away. Youre holding a map in your hands. You circle your current location, and you draw a second circle for your destination.

Then you connect the two circles. But you dont just draw a straight line. What you do instead is you look for the closest distance between the two circles because theres probably more than one way to get to your destination.

You choose a good route one that goes through highways instead of back roads. You put a star next to each major city or town youre going to be passing through. Youll probably spend the night there.

Planning a 1,000-mile road trip is the same as planning your path to success. You cant just say you know the general direction of your destination. You need to plan ahead if you want to reach your destination faster. If you dont plan the details, youll be wasting days on the road.

Its all about the details

Success is a lot of work, isnt it? First, you have to define a goal that meets the SMART criteria. Then you have to create a detailed action plan that will show you exactly how you can get from point A to point B, a thousand miles away.

Most people wont have the patience to do all these steps. Theyd think doing all this planning is silly and a waste of their time. Theyll think, I already know where Im going. Thats all I need to know. So, theyll skip the planning part, jump into their cars and go on their thousand-mile road trip.

Funny thing is several miles later youll see them by the side of the road. Their cars have broken down (nope, they didnt check if their cars could actually survive the long journey) or theyve run of fuel. You, on the other hand, will be happily driving along until you get to your destination. Your thorough planning has paid off!

Now, your dreams and your goals need to be planned out the same way. You can start by breaking down your main goal into smaller chunks. If youve given yourself 10 years to achieve your goals, then you need to break it down into 1-year goals, 2-year goals, and so on.

By the end of the first year, you should have accomplished milestone 1. By the end of the second year, you should have achieved milestone 2, so on and so forth.

While annual goals are great, theyre still a little too big to be easily accomplished. So, you need to break your goals down into weekly or monthly goals, keeping in mind what you need to achieve by the end of the year.

Its much easier to tick off a daily or weekly to-do list than a yearly to-do list. When youre crossing items off your list, you feel a rush of satisfaction. You feel productive. You feel proud of yourself.

If you dont break your big goals into smaller, easy-to-achieve mini-goals, you may lose motivation. Youd feel like youre not taking enough action. Your fears and insecurities will start creeping in again, and you could potentially undo all the hard work youve put in so far.

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