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Free domain name success kit guide

 How to free domain name success kit

Chapter 5:
Dissecting Dropped Domains
Apart from expired domains, those that have been dropped with existing traffic and page rank are extremely valuable.
Using a service such as that of
How to free domain name success kit , you will be able to locate domain names with existing PR (Page Rank ranging from PR2-PR6, although PR2 and PR3 are the easiest to find).
PR, or Page Rank simply indicates that the domain was receiving traffic prior to expiring or dropping, and of course, online merchants place a lot of value on purchasing a domain that has already generated traffic, saving them the initial work of launching a domain, or waiting for it to be aged enough to appear in the search engines, not to mention the fact that domains with page rank carry more weight in the search engines such as .
There is also discussion involving new domain names being placed in what is referred to as a 'sandbox', where they are kept for a period of time before being released to appear in search engines, another reason why aged domains are so valuable to merchants.
At , you can browse through their search functions selecting to locate domains with specific PR.
Personally, I set the search tool to seek out domains with a PR of no less than 2. You can do this by clicking on the tab marked "EXP Name" and running your search query.
Finding decent domain names with existing page rank, isn't all that difficult and by featuring them within domain auctions on sites like, (paid membership) or can instantly generate a consistent income with little effort.
Once you have structured your system and are seasoned with doing your daily rounds of searching through domain listings, dropped and expired domains, and checking sites like Fresh Drop for domains with PR, you will find it incredibly easy to generate dozens of valuable domain names that you can quickly flip for profit.
It's an exciting business to be a part of, no doubt about it.Chapter 6:
Backordering Domain Names
It's very difficult to rely on our ability to catch a domain name as it has dropped and register it before someone else does. Furthermore, most of the registrars don't even allow the better domains to be dropped, instead, placing them in online auctions.
This is where backordering comes into play.
With backordering services, you are able to pre-purchase a domain name that is about to expire, as long as the current owner fails to renew it themselves.
However, there is no guarantee you will be given the domain name, even if it expires due to other back ordering services offering the same opportunity to other people who are looking to snag a great domain name that's about to drop.
Still, it definitely increases your chances at being able to scoop up some of the better domain names with existing traffic and page rank.
Chapter 7: 
How to Sell Your Domain Names?
Its time to set up your domain names on eBay!
Before we do this however, there are a couple of important things to take into consideration:
If you are new to eBay, you should take some time to read their website and get to know how their auctions work, as well as the applicable fees and listing options.
You can lose a lot of money buying into the bells & whistles so avoid purchasing any add-ons when you list your domain names. You do not need a featured listing, a highlighted auction title, or any of that silly stuff.
Your feedback rating is very important with anything you sell on eBay, whether its domain names or childrens toys. People judge you based on the feedback you have received so if you have any negative feedback, I would suggest creating a new eBay account.
If you are brand new to eBay, there is little you can do to generate positive feedback quickly, other than to ensure that you follow through with your auctions, keep open communication with your buyers and be prompt when pushing your domain names after they have been purchased. Never make them wait more than 24 hours for their domain.
Open a Paypal account; its almost required in order to sell on eBay these days. People prefer Paypal and it just makes things a lot easier.
You can open and verify a Paypal account within a couple of days, so do your best to set this up prior to listing your auctions.
Choose a relevant eBay username. Dont try to be trendy and pick some crazy sounding username, choose one specifically for domain and/or site flipping. Something like DomainExperts or DomainTrends would be just fine. If you end up not liking what you chose you can change it every 30 days.
When you list your auctions on eBay, you should start them all off at $.99. Do not place a reserve on these auctions, and do not add any restrictions or limitations of any kind.
Just set them up individually, and list them at $.99 each to start.
For beginners the idea of paying $8 for a domain name and listing it at $.9 is nerve wracking however with a lower start-up price, you will entice more bidders to participate and your auction will boost up in price quickly.
Once people become attached to the domain, they will create a bidding war against any other user who tries to take it away from them and you will see your auction soar as it gets closer to the end of the time, so dont be too nervous about losing money.
Note: If you have paid more than the basic registration of a domain name, meaning that you have purchased a domain name for more than $7-9, depending on what you paid for the domain you may want to start the auction off on a higher amount, just be aware that the lower the start up bid, the more activity it will receive.By not listing a reserve fee you will also be able to list your domains on eBay at a lower cost, as eBay charges sellers a fee for including a reserve price. You should also pay attention to eBay listing sales, which occur from time to time and feature reduced fee auctions.
Whenever you see one of these, list as many domains as you can and save yourself a bundle in listing fees.
I also do not recommend that you feature a BIN (Buy It Now) price either, as you may end up short-changing yourself if you list the BIN at a lower price than others are willing to pay. Let the auction determine its own price and run its course.
When selling your domain names on eBay, always choose a relevant category. Personally, I always use:
Computers & Networking - Web Domains & Services Domain Names - .com
Also be sure to include a direct headline to your auction listing, which describes the domain name you are featuring. Include the domain name in full within your auction title (example: not just
And most importantly, ALWAYS include a domain idea, something that can provoke thought and get potential buyers to consider the various options that are available to them when using the domain name:
Example: - Premium .com Directory Name
Within your listing you will be asked to enter in additional information including the Type (which is Domain Names), the extension (.com) and a brief description.
Always include the domain registrar, the age (unless its brand new than do not include it), and utilize the free option to include a gallery picture just because research has shown that auctions showcasing a photo of any kind will receive more attention.
(For pictures, you could search for domain related images on public domain sites or purchase a couple from a stock photo site such as
When creating the body text of your listing, you want to provide as many ideas for possible use as you can, as well as giving them as much information relating to the auction as possible such as:
Payments Accepted and your terms (Payment is due within two days of auction, etc)
Transfer Time How quickly you can push the domain over after payment is received, (I always include Transfer Within 24 Hours Of Payment Receipt)
And a link to any other domain auctions that you currently have going.
This is very important and its a great way to inter-link your auctions and encourage multiple purchases from your buyers since they can purchase as many as they like and pay all at once with the eBay checkout system.
The link to your other auctions is available under Sellers Other Items. Just right click and choose Copy Link and create a new link in your listing that links to one another.This takes time but its definitely worthwhile!
Also be sure to include how long the domain is registered for, so buyers can determine how soon they will be required to renew it.
There are a lot of buyers who will not purchase a domain name that is due to expire within two months, so if you have just registered the domain name, then be sure to emphasize the fact that it is only expiring in a years time.
When listing your auction you can choose the time frame in which it will remain active. I typically choose the 7 or 10 day auction plan.
Be sure that you are available on the day that your auction ends and that you answer any questions that you receive during the course of your auction (and you can expect a handful).
Also be sure to include contact information, a gmail account will suffice and is easy to manage.
Once again, choose an email address that relates to the domain industry, but avoid domain flipping, domain flipper or terms like that. or will give a better impression to your potential buyers and will simply look more professional.
When someone purchases a domain from you, depending on the registrar that yo use, you may be required to obtain specific information from your buyer in order to push the domain into their account.
For NameCheap, all you need is the buyers NameCheap uername which is quick and simple, another reason I tend to use them for domain flipping.
With however, you are required to have more information available regarding your buyer and their GoDaddy account.
Simply create an email draft within your gmail account that thanks your buyer for their purchase and requests the information that you need. By doin this, you can simply copy and paste that email to each buyer after a successful sale and let them follow up with their information.
If using NameCheap be sure to include the fact that they must complete their NameCheap profile entirely or NameCheap will not allow incoming domain pushes.
It only takes a few minutes for them to fill out their profile, but its required and will save you time from attempting to push a domain only to be told that the buyers profile is incomplete. Once again, be sure to communicate with your seller and push the domain to them as quickly as you can after you have received payment.
I would also recommend not accepting echecks from Paypal as they take time to clear and will delay the process and cause more work on your end by having to remember to check when it has cleared, etc.
And finally, be sure that your buyers pay you BEFORE you push the domain to them. This might be obvious to you but it needs to be said, as I have talked to many new domain flippers who push the domain immediately only to never receive payment. Once the domain is pushed over its not always easy to get it back.
The most activity that will take place within your auction is during the last hour that its available.
This is when the bidding wars start to happen and people attempt to outbid each other or snag it at the last minute.
Because of this, you want to pay close attention as to when your auction will end. If you list it on a 7 day auction plan, and you start the auction on a Saturday, it will end the following Saturday.
The problem with this is that the weekends tend to be slower online in general, and on eBay , I have also experienced fewer bids and less activity if my auction ended on either Friday night, Saturday or Sunday.
My suggestion is to make sure that your auction will end on a weekday, any weekday will do. I tend to use the 7 day auction plan and list on Mondays regularly, so I keep a schedule and routine going that is easy to follow (and remember).
Another important thing to remember is the times that your auctions will end in between one another.
For example, if I list two auctions on Monday and it takes me ten minutes in between listing them, they will expire ten minutes apart.
This isnt always wise because if you have one buyer interested in both auctions they may not have the time to focus on bidding on both.
Therefore, I suggest timing your auctions 15-30 minutes apart, meaning; create one.. go for a short break, come back and list the second and so on.
Chapter 8: 
Domain Testing In & Out
When it comes to registering a new domain name, you are able to test-drive it for up to five days.
How to free domain name success kit

During these five days, if you are unhappy with the domain name, you are able to request a refund from your registrar and they will place the domain name back into the public registry, where it will once again be available for registration.
This means that you can register a domain name at absolutely no risk to you test it out and if you find that it will be a difficult one to sell or promote, you can get your money back quickly and easily.
Knowing this, it can certainly open up the potential of registering a handful of domain names, evaluating their marketability and weeding out the ones that are not feasible while saving money in the process, rather than squatting on a ton of domains that you just cant seem to move.
Domain tasting should not be confused with domain kiting, which is the process of deleting a domain name during the five-day grace period and immediately re-registering it for another five-day period.
This process is repeated any number of times with the end result of having the domain registered without ever actually paying for it.
One word of caution however, is that Google has indicated that their Adsense program will consistently scour the databases for domain names that are repeatedly registered and then dropped, removing the domain names from the Adsense program if these domainers are generating an income through Adsense with the intention of requesting a refund every five days.
This means that you should use the ability to domain test wisely and legitimately.
These five days should be spent testing the waters, getting a feel for whether you believe the domain is a viable one and conducting market research to determine the profitability of the names that you select.
Accepting Payment For Domain Sales
When you sell your domain name, you will want to ensure that the transaction goes through successfully prior to handing over the domain name to your customer.
One easy way to manage domain sales, is by using an Escrow service, where a middleman works at managing the sale by accepting payment from your customer, and transferring it to you once they have verified that the domain name has been transfered over.
With Escrow, you will pay a fee for using their services and so it's recommended that you only use it with larger domain sales. The most popular of these services, being
Paypal will suffice for smaller domain sales.

When registering a lot of domain names, it's wise to use coupons that will save you a few bucks on the registration process. It will quickly add up to thousands of dollars in savings.
One of the best sources for current coupons and discounts can be found at
Just enter in the domain registrar that you are planning to register your domains with, and RetailMeNot will search its database to determine whether there are existing coupons available.
I have always found discounts on and just by browsing RetailMeNot, and for the most part, many of these coupons never seem to expire, and those that do are quickly replaced with fresh offers, so be sure to make a habit of checking for coupons prior to registering your domains.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that with many registrars, you are not permitted to transfer domain names to another registrar for a period of time, even if you are unhappy with their service.
In the case of GoDaddy, you are allowed to push domains to your customers instantly, but are unable to transfer domains from GoDaddy to another domain registration service for a period of 60 days, so keep this in mind when selecting your chosen provider.
If you are just getting started in domaining, you might want a second opinion on the domain names you are considering purchasing.
Many new domain vendors will post their intended domains on domain based forums, such as asking for evaluations and advice.
While this can be extremely helpful, be careful with listing domains that you have yet to purchase, as it just might end up registered by someone else viewing the forum, and seeing value in your domain.
You can however, post domains that you have already registered if you are looking for advice on what price to list it at, or what starting bid to accept on online auction sites.
There are many helpful domain communities online available to help you get started on the right foot.
Take advantage of this opportunity by being active within these circles, and helping others as you become more experienced yourself.
There is yet another reason to participate in domain based forums, and that is to be able to purchase affordable domain names that can be sold on other marketplaces.
Most domain based forums, such as, and categorize their domain sales into different groups, such as "Domain Auctions", where interested parties can bid on domain name. 
"Domain Fixed Price", where domain names are sold at specific rates and the first one to pay the requested price claims it, as well as "Domain Offers", where domain holders are requesting offers on their portfolio of domain names, most of which may take place privately.
And finally, be careful when purchasing domain names from forums where the price just seems too good to be true. Often times, vendors will sell domains after they have been banned by Google (for breach of terms, including falsifying page rank, participating in link farms, breaking Adsense terms of service, etc). 
You can easily validate the any domain name you are considering purchasing hasn't been banned by visiting or and entering in the domain name.
To your domain flipping success!


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