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It's Impossible to Incorporate Twitter into a Sales Funnel Traffic

Modern Twitter Marketing Freelancer...

Modern Twitter Marketing Freelancer

 Usually, when people create a sales funnel, they’re looking for a quick, heavy ...

volume source of traffic. This accounts for the massive amount of advertising 

buys on Facebook. People just want to drive a lot of traffic to the top of this 

funnel and let the funnel itself—through the landing page and other 

content—filter that traffic into conversions. 

Some people are under the impression that you can’t do this with Twitter. In 

their minds, Twitter is just good for branding. Other critics say that Twitter 

traffic can’t be all that predictable. 

Thankfully, both these views are wrong. It is possible to incorporate twitter 

into your sales funnel. How? Twitter is just like any other traffic source—like 

paid Facebook ads or Google AdWords—with little difference.

If you get this traffic, you push it through several layers of content, and out 

comes a conversion—if you get enough traffic in the first place. You just need 

to tweak your Twitter campaign to work as a sales funnel. 

How do you do this? You qualify people. They may become aware of your 

content on twitter. However, you must set up your website so that—once 

you get them to your website—people who are truly interested will keep 

clicking through the guts of your website until they get to your squeeze page.

There’s quite a bit for filtration going on but this qualifies your traffic. Also, it 

increases the chances that those visitors would end up buying something...

Modern Twitter Marketing Freelancer

A lot of people are under the impression that tweets, by themselves, don’t 

really add much value to marketing campaigns. This really is too bad, 

because if you know what you’re doing with twitter, each and every tweet 

you send out builds your credibility—with in turns increases the chances 

people would sign up for your mailing list. 

You have to understand that people don’t have enough time. You may be 

thinking that it only takes a couple of minutes to fill out an online form. That 

may be true—but that’s still two minutes more than these people are willing 

to invest. 

They’re very busy, they have so many other things they need to focus on. 

They have a lot of duties, responsibilities, and obligations. There are, after all, 

only 24 hours in a day. 

This is why it’s a good idea to get people to check out content through twitter 

and build up credibility. They may reach a point where they like your brand 

enough for them to give you the benefit of the doubt. This is when you show 

them your squeeze page tweet. This increases the likelihood that they would 

sign up. Once they sign up for one of your mailing lists, you get many bites at 

the apple to get them to buy all sorts of products and services. You can get 

leads off a tweet. You just have to optimize that content, and run the visitor 

through the confidence building pages which culminates in a squeeze Page..

Modern Twitter Marketing Freelancer
This myth is very, very common when twitter just launched. For the life of 
them, marketers simply could not turn twitter traffic into cash. They were 
getting a lot of traffic, but—the problem is—they don’t know what to do with 
that traffic. 
Well, it’s been several years since the launch of twitter, and now we know 
better. Twitter traffic, if properly qualified, actually performs really well 
compared to other types of traffic. 
How? Well, the secret sauce is in the qualification. When you get traffic from 
twitter, get the person to click page after page after page that conditions 
them—or qualifies them—until they get to a squeeze page, and they become 
ready to enter their email address. 
These are the only people you should really focus on. Everybody else might 
be just a waste of time. Maybe they’re just curiosity seekers that are not 
really all that serious. Or maybe, they’re just confused. Whatever their case 
may be, you need to focus only on people who are truly interested. 
Modern Twitter Marketing Freelancer
There’s always reports of twitter failing to live up to its full potential. There 
are all sorts of news reports indicating business analysts’ doom and gloom 
predictions for twitter. If I were to get a penny for all the news reports I have 
read, which fear twitter’s impending death, I would be a rich person right 
now. Seriously! 
These stories come and go, but they all talk about the same thing. They all 
talk about twitter being unprofitable, unsustainable, and so on and so forth. 
Well, let’s put it this way. If twitter was such a bad idea to start with, it would 
have died a long time ago—it hasn’t. There’s still a lot of fight left in Twitter, 
and we might as well enjoy the ride—right?
Modern Twitter Marketing Freelancer

This is one of those absolute statements that you really need to step away 
from. If you believe these types of conclusive statements, then your 
appreciation of Twitter would be very one-sided. It would be very flat and, 
unfortunately, a flat view of twitter prevents you from fully tapping its 
amazing potential. 
You have to understand that when you get a lot of love from twitter, this can 
lead to bloggers or niche specific industry observers to talk about you. If you 
get a lot of buzz on Twitter—regarding a particular niche—it’s only a matter 
of time until recognized, high quality, high authority blogs in your niche start 
mentioning your name and website. 
Why? They’re not dumb. They are constantly on the lookout for niche specific 
content. If you have developed quite a following on social media, they would 
want to feature you. How come? You’re a free content. 
If you have developed that huge following, obviously somebody is interested 
in what you’re doing. These obligations want to get the bottom line. 
Modern Twitter Marketing Freelancer

Twitter marketing can help you achieve explosive growth. You can take that
to the bank. However, for this to happen, you have to know what you are
Unfortunately, a lot of people-who tried their hand at twitter marketing-fail.
They may fail right after they start, or it could take them a few months or
years. Still, they all end up at the same place: failure.
How do you avoid this destiny? How do you sidestep the very high likelihood
that your twitter campaigns will fall flat? It really boils down to having the
right plan. Just as importantly, you have to have a clear mindset regarding
what you’re about to do. Getting rid of unhelpful Twitter myths is definitely a
step in the right direction.

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